We are Kushki, the regional non-bank acquirer driving enterprise growth across LATAM.

We have our own acquisition platform, which makes us a player with innovative, flexible, and adaptable technology to our clients’ challenges and to improve, secure, and expand their sales.

Seguridad en Kushki Cobra online en toda América y el mundo

We develop our own acquisition model

At Kushki, we help large companies in Latin America reduce the costs and complexity of digital and in-person transactions* through services adaptable to each business.

*In-person payments available only in Mexico and Chile.

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As acquirers, we have control over transactions and have a direct relationship with Visa and Mastercard, allowing efficient chargeback management.

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With our acquisition, improve your acceptance rate and protect your business and your customers with fraud prevention tools in payment processing.

How does the Kushki acquisition work?

We operate a single regional platform that encompasses online and offline payment processing, risk management, acquisition, and internal processing.

Kushki Value Chain

An all-in-one regional platform with local payment methods, acquisition, and expertise.

Kushki Value Chain
Traditional value chain

Fewer intermediaries mean lower business costs and reduced points of failure.

Traditional value chain

Kushki, your partner in accelerating business growth across Latin America.

  • All-in-one regional platform
  • Better authorization rates.
  • Multiple local payment methods.
  • Open ecosystem for other PSPs, ISVs, and ISOs.
  • Automated compliance and risk monitoring.
  • Regulatory and tax compliance in each country.
  • Legal entity and local bank account configuration, as required.
Learn about our acquisition

Features that Kushki offers to your clients



The security that your business and clients deserve. Learn about all our anti-fraud tools here (link security page)


Chargeback management

Kushki is a provider that provides you with an agile and fast process for disputing chargebacks. In addition to chargeback monitoring.


Reduction in operation times

We are looking for a solution that allows you to reconcile, refund and transfer data, and more, at optimal times.


Offer more payment options

Accept credit and debit cards, bank transfers and cash in addition to physical payments* and high-end terminals with multiple benefits for your customers such as MSI, QR payments, food vouchers, and more. Learn more here


360° payment platform

  • Tokenization

  • One-click, on-demand and recurring payments.

  • Full and partial refunds

  • 99.9% Uptime

*In-person payments available only in Mexico and Chile.

Kushki in the news

Read what the technology and financial press are saying about us.

“Kushki is the comprehensive payment processing paytech with regional coverage that connects Latin America and provides companies in the region with the technological tools to reduce the costs and complexity of transactions, while improving acceptance rates and reducing fraud. On the back of this, the payment technology company recently announced that it has become the first non-banking regional Acquirer for merchants in Latin America.”
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“Kushki offers direct connections to primary payment networks, meaning that merchants and other businesses looking to partake in the regional payment ecosystem will be enabled to directly link to and communicate with payment networks and systems in Latin America, free of reliance on additional intermediaries or third-party banking institutions.”
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“La fintech de origen ecuatoriano recibió la licencia de varios países de la región latinoamericana para operar como adquirente no bancario, con el fin de abrir el sector a una mayor competencia.

Con la obtención de las licencias como adquirente en México y Chile, Kushki planea conectar los sistemas de pago de América Latina.

El objetivo de esta medida es romper la concentración de los sistemas de pago de la región. 

La palabra Kushki significa dinero en efectivo en lengua quechua.”

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“La paytech ecuatoriana Kushki anunció que alcanzó convertirse en el primer adquirente regional no bancario para comercios de América Latina, tras recibir la aprobación regulatoria en México, Chile, Perú y Colombia.

En paralelo a un evento con medios en Miami (EEUU), Aron Schwarzkopf, CEO y cofundador de la firma explicó que hasta ahora los comerciantes y procesadoras de pago contaban con uno o más adquirentes locales por país, que usualmente son operados por pocas compañías.”
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“Hay muchos bien interesantes que mueven el mercado de la fintech a nivel latinoamericano fundamentalmente. Un sector que ha crecido con mucha fuerza y que se ha ido consolidando además con algunos sectores muy competitivos. Uno de ellos ha sido el unicornio de origen ecuatoriano Kushki que se ha convertido, tras un anuncio que hizo este lunes en Miami, en adquiriente no bancario a nivel regional.”
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“The company's new merchant acquiring service is delivered through a single proprietary processing platform. It will make card  transactions more accessible, whilst standardizing  and consolidating fragmentation throughout the region. Also providing improvements to acceptance rates,  overall settlement performance, and underwriting. As a result, Kushki anticipates to grow its operations in the region by 300%.”
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“Luego de recibir aprobaciones regulatorias en México, Chile, Perú y Colombia, el unicornio de pagos Kushki se convirtió en el primer adquirente regional no bancario para comercios de América Latina. Tiene membresía primaria con entidades como Visa y Mastercard en los países mencionados, lo que lo convierte en uno de los mayores adquirentes de la región por cobertura.”
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We manage your payments so you can focus on your business.

Conoce más sobre Kushki