Kushki, closer to operate as an acquirer in Mexico.

Estefania Cervantes Reyes

Redactora Creativa B2B

marzo 09, 2023

Lectura de 2 minutos

Kushki’s commitment in Mexico, the PayTech that connects LATAM with payments, is so strong that now we have started the process of registry before the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), with an acquirer role. This enables us to become not only one of the five non-bank acquirers in the country, but also a main actor of the Mexican payment ecosystem, without relying on an intermediary bank.

This is part of the strategy that has underscored us since we launched our operations, getting rid of barriers and limiting factors that the Latin American region has faced for such a long time in financial expansion and technological development issues.

The acquirer model enables the companies to have a direct connection with the main payment networks to safely process credit and debit card payments.

Advantages of the acquirer model:

  • Direct connection to payment networks.
  • Stability in transaction processing.
  • Traceability of each charge.
  • Optimization of countercharges.
  • Improvement of acceptance rate.
  • Better commissions.

__Acquirer model flow: __


This is excellent news, not just for us as a company, but now, operating in this new acquirer model, the Mexican companies that work with us will have a total control of the payment flow with cards and a support of the sales operations that are carried out both in physical stores and online stores, providing an omnichannel service. This way of completely visualizing the transactions, thanks to the data generated in each payment, will enable the merchant to carry out an analysis to understand the behavior of its users, which will lead to the sales strategy optimizations for decision-making.

“Now, our clients will be able to have a platform for payment acceptance that, besides having a regional scope, operates under the same service technology. This is translated in more opportunities for merchants and clients, within a robust service platform that provides continuity, safety and acceptance as its operational pillars.”

  • Alejandro Flores. VP Sales México, Central America.

This progress in our operations is aligned mainly with the growth that Mexico had throughout last year, where a growth of up to x5 was registered. This places Kushki en route to direct more efforts in this country and thus provide more services, products and a state-of-the-art technological infrastructure to strengthen digital payments.

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